Legal notice
Legal notice

The website "" is published by Arcys, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 176,600 euros, registered on the commercial Register of Toulouse under number 807 627 583. Its head office is located 14, place Marcel Dassault, 31700 BLAGNAC, France – Tel. +33 (0) 5 34 36 10 00.
The website is hosted by OVH SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 10,174,560 euros, registered on the commercial Register of Lille under number 537 407 926, whose head office is located 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
The website "" was designed and produced by the company, Couleur Citron, a limited company with a capital of 113,000 euros, registered on the commercial Register of Toulouse under the number : 381 813 468, whose head office is located 14, avenue de l'Europe - 31 520 Ramonville Saint-Agne Tel: +33 (0) 5 34 51 38 15.
Credits photos of the visuals used on the site have been allocated to: ARCYS - TechnicAtome – Marine Nationale - Naval Group.
The use of Arcys website implies the full and complete acceptance of the general conditions of use described below :
These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time: users of TechnicAtome website are therefore invited to consult them regularly in order to read them.
Users are required to respect the general terms and conditions defined below and, in particular, the provisions of the law "Informatique et Libertés", N ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978, modified by Law N ° 2004- 801 of August 6, 2004, Law No. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016 for a digital economy called "Lemaire Law" and European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, the non-respect of which may be penalized. They must also refrain from collecting, capturing, distorting or using the data posted online and, in general, from any act likely to affect the privacy or reputation of individuals.
For any information related to the operation or use of Arcys website, you can write to us in the "contact" section.
This website and its contents are protected by the code of the intellectual property. Any representation, reproduction, adaptation, translation and / or transformation, publication or distribution in whole or in part of the site or its content, made without the consent of Arcys or its successors or assigns, is unlawful and constitutes an infringement sanctioned in particular by Articles L. 335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property, is likely to lead to civil and/or criminal proceedings against the party responsible.
The names ARCYS®, CITA, CEIS are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of these marks without express and prior authorization is prohibited.
Users of the Arcys website cannot set up hypertext links to this site without the express prior consent of Arcys. For any request to create a hypertext link, the user may contact: either by mail ARCYS, 14 Place Marcel Dassault, 31700 Blagnac, or directly on the website – section “Contact”.
The information provided on the Arcys website are provided for information only and without warranty of any kind, errors and omissions may occur in particular. They cannot therefore engage the responsibility of Arcys. They can be modified or updated without notice.
Similarly, the external hypertext links set up on this website and the contents of the websites of third parties to which they point cannot engage the responsibility of Arcys.
Each user uses Arcys website under his sole responsibility. Under no circumstances can Arcys and its subcontractors be held liable for damages of any kind, direct or indirect, resulting from the content or use of this site, including, without limitation, any loss of exploitation, financial or commercial loss, loss of programs and / or data especially in the user's information system of the website.
7.1 Collection of personal data
For enabling us to answer the questions or requests of the Arcys website users, and to reply to the candidatures posted in answer to job offers or the spontaneous candidatures, ARCYS may have to ask them, on a voluntary or mandatory basis, personal information such as their email addresses. This information will be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully. They will be registered for specified and legitimate purposes and will be used in accordance with these purposes. They will be subject to precautions to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data to prevent them from being damaged, modified, destroyed or communicated to unauthorized third parties. The collected information on the Arcys Website are derived from the voluntary registration by the users of their e-mail address and / or personal data coming from them. In addition, Arcys may provide aggregate statistics about visitors to this website, data analyzing their profile and other information to third parties related to this website ; however, these statistics will in no way include information allowing the identification of users.
7.1 Purpose of collection
The personal data collected is intended only for Arcys, in order to :
- allow Arcys to respond to requests from any user of the Arcys website, in particular to applications posted in response to job offers, internships and unsolicited applications or contact users by email to keep them informed about certain topics.
- in a more general way, to allow the operation of this website.
This information is not the subject of any communication, assignment or disclosure to third parties, without the express written consent of the user concerned, except legal or judicial constraints.
However, the users of the Arcys website grant Arcys the right to share all the information collected with its subsidiaries, suppliers and subcontractors if necessary for carrying out the treatments mentioned above. In this case, the rectifications and / or cancellations of personal information will be notified to the said suppliers, subcontractors or subsidiaries.
7.3 Length of data retention
In application of the Lemaire law for a digital republic No. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016, known as Lemaire law, the users are informed that their personal data is kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of which the data were collected.
For recruitment data, the duration is two years after the last contact with the candidate. The navigation data will be kept for a maximum of 6 months according to the recommendations of the CNIL.
7.4. Right to access, rectify and delete
In application of the French law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms, the user has a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion (article 34 of the law) of the data concerning him, as well as of the rights which are granted to him by the French law No. 2004 - 801 of August 8th, 2004 relative to the protection of the people with regard to the processing of personal data.
Thus, it may require that information concerning it which is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out of date, or whose preservation is forbidden, be rectified, completed, clarified, updated or deleted. Each user can exercise these rights by writing to :
14 Place Marcel Dassault
31700 Blagnac
Non personal information collected automatically on the Arcys website
In accordance with the aforementioned texts, on its own initiative or at the request of the user concerned, Arcys may complete, modify or delete incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data kept and relating to the operation of its website.
Article 40-1 of the Lemaire law for a digital economy of October 7, 2016 allows you to formulate advance directives on the fate of your personal data in the event of death.
The Arcys website may use cookies to process traffic statistics and information, facilitate navigation and improve service for the user's convenience.
In accordance with European legislation, when you first connect to the site "", you will be asked expressly to accept the cookies of the site. The validity period of this consent is 13 months maximum.